Overview and Compliance

The NYS Department of Homeland Security and the NYS Comptroller’s Office have strict guidelines for Information Technology and Digital Public Relations for a fire district. These include computer workstations, secure wired networks, wireless networks and WiFi, domains, Web sites, Email handling and more.

We offer complete and compliant I T services for fire districts and firehouses, especially volunteer firehouses, where there are no continuous personnel working on a daily basis to manage, support, and maintain equipment; and train members, officers and commissioners.


We Provide the Following Fire District Secure Network and I T Services

-New firehouse construction I T planning, or retrofitting an existing firehouse with new I T systems, including normal and emergency operation to be compliant with NYS DHS and NYS Office of the State Comptroller

-Selecting the best location for network equipment, prepping the environment for security, cleanliness, air flow, temperature control and redundant power on separate circuits

-Selecting, configuring and installing network components to code

-Installing tuned open and secure WiFi networks; an open network as a registered WiFi hotspot in the community for visitors of the commissioners and members and for social hall activities; as well as secure working networks for fire company and district business

-Oversee low voltage vendor installations such as telephone companies, Internet service providers, digital sign installers, door access control, video surveillance and security companies, radio communications installers, etc., and supply them with connectivity parameters, instructions, underground data cable if required and dedicated statics, as well as any equipment they may require with commissioner approval

-Wiring home run data cables from individual network device locations to equipment room, with several lines added for future expansion and additional control devices

-Configure the secure network workstations, devices, user access, software and productivity tools based on their roles in the district and company, including financials, firehouse software, office suites, NFIRS communication and fire reporting, etc.

-Train commissioners, chiefs, line officers, civil and company members on the use and functions of the secure network, and manage access.  Retrain new secure network users similarly, after yearly elections.

-Maintain, update, upgrade operating systems, software utilities, netclient workstation security, comprehensive gateway protection, etc.

-Perform weekly backup of financial, NFIRS reports, firehouse software, commissioners’ meeting minutes, critical operational documents and paperwork, and secure the encrypted data off site in a fireproof safe

-Serve as Acting District I T Director with 24/7 emergency response to commissioners’, officers’ and members’ I T questions and issues, as well as liaison to all low voltage vendors and service companies, meeting them on site as any of their issues arise

Monitor user and network component activity with direct issue alerts from network equipment to mobile device, and rectify issues quickly, by remote access or on site, many times before users even realize an issue exists

-Install overhead paging and fire call alerting system with drivers in the office hallways, day room, radio room, engine bays, and other areas, depending on building layout

-Install and maintain a secure IP phone system (behind the firewall) with a special code and configured translation patterns from wireless carriers, land line systems, computer headsets, tablets with microphones, etc., for members to directly call into the radio room from any communications source, during emergencies

-Prepare necessary reports and documentation for compliance with DHS and Office of Comptroller

-Other specialized Fire District services available upon request. All services are not installed/required at all Firehouses

If your district is building a new firehouse, or your board is thinking about upgrading the I T systems to be compliant and protected, we would be happy to take you on a tour of our existing secure firehouse installations, with the approval of the installed districts’ commissioners; so that we can show you examples of compliant firehouses, and our work. It would also be our pleasure to attend your monthly board meeting at no charge, to to discuss I T Compliance for your district.

Please call or click here for a tour/appointment, or simply for more information.


Additional Compliant Firehouse Services: The Fire District / Company Web Site

Designing a Web site for a fire district / fire company requires adherence to specific rules, regulations and requirements as set forth in the New York Fire District Officer’s Guide and the I T Governance of the NY State Controllers’ Office. The proper use of a fire district / fire company Web site is not to publish pictures of huge flames, burning buildings, airlift services or brave firefighting; which may foster possible liability claims.

The purposes of a Web site are extremely useful to a fire district and fire company when done correctly. A compliant Web site can:

- Provide the community with fire safety information and tips for adults, their children and for their homes and motor vehicles

-Provide information about the rich history of the fire district, the company and their personnel; and information for adults and children about the fire department structure, such as the ranking system, names of officers, fire or district officials, and members (a popular topic for school reports)

-Provide an avenue for people who wish to volunteer to join the department, using an online volunteer request form for more information

-To collect donations (for the Annual Fire Department Fund Drive for example)

-Announce additional drives (clothing drives, Christmas toy drives, etc.), pancake breakfasts, lot carnivals, Wet Downs and other important events

-Request more information about social hall reservations for weddings, graduation parties, birthdays, etc.

-Have a secure section for commissioners, officers, and members that cannot be seen by the general public for internal functions, like posting parade responsibilities and dates, meeting places and times for attending internal functions (like funerals), monthly meeting changes, etc.

-And there are many other useful items and issues within the approved use parameters for a fire district or fire company Web site

We provide “managed hosting” on our own Linux Web servers, for fire district and company Web sites, their domain(s) and domain services (we can register and park domains if there are none existing), to ensure strict adherence to code. We do not allow members to address our Web server control panel and post information online, themselves. Anyone can send announcements, information, photos, etc., to us for the Web site, but copy/media will only be published if they comply with the criteria and purpose; and must be approved by a designated member representing your district's board of commissioners.

We can also compose articles and create blogs for fire prevention information and guidelines for approval prior to publication, announce national fire prevention dates and hallmarks, interview commissioners and officers / fire chief, to publish their expert information to help the community with things they can do for fire prevention, etc.

Please call or click here for more information about designing your district/company Web site and managed hosting.


Additional Firehouse Services: Overhead Paging System

Whether you are planning a new construction firehouse or have an existing firehouse, you may like to install an internal (inside the building) paging / alerting system. We install paging horns in the truck bays and overhead speakers in the hallway ceilings outside the offices. A fire call receiving radio (HIO desk mount 150-174 MHz VHF receiver or equivalent, with antenna, supplied by your existing radio vendor) is configured to announce only your district’s pages (fire calls), and we amplify the output of the radio to the horn/speaker drivers throughout the building. All calls for each district do not come across the building paging system, only your district’s calls are announced. You can choose from numerous alerting tones, and adjust the volumes of each horn/speaker. This system is perfect for those districts using pagers only, with no external siren/alert. But even if your district has an external siren, you may elect to have the overhead system in the building- after all, isn’t that what a firehouse is all about? Also, if you are having an event such as an open house, wet down, volunteer recruitment day, etc., this system can play music throughout the building and the fire calls will block the music and take over the system until the fire call or county/district announcement is completed.

Please call or click here for more information about an overhead paging system in your building.


Additional Firehouse Services: Digital Video Wall
Show off your rich heritage without clutter or damage to old pictures and artifacts

Your fire district and company have long unique histories that you are very proud of. Let our large or small video wall tell your story to commissioners, officers, members and visitors. We will scan and digitally enhance all of your old, fading pictures, newspaper articles, group photos of past officers, members and events; digitize letters of thanks, cards and plaques; and we have a digital copy stand to digitize (into a beautiful photograph), any awards, frames, etc., that are not flat.

Instead of cluttering up all of the hallway wall space with pictures that fall off the wall and shelves when touched by visitors, and squeezing all of the additional artifacts into the already crowded trophy cases or glass cabinets, allow us to digitally portray your chronology, pictures and awards on a beautiful 40 inch, 55 inch, or larger, display!

Please call or click here for more information about designing a digital video wall for your firehouse.